Welcome to the table!

Come on in, grab a seat, and join me at the table where family memories run rampant, God’s Word guides us through daily living, good food is shared, a bit of crafting keeps our hands busy, and a smorgasbord of unknowns await!

Hello!  My name is Enola and yes! I am named after the infamous B29 Superfortress bomber, the Enola Gay.  It’s been quite an adventure to be named after such a major piece of history, but an enjoyable one at that!  My parents blessed me (and I mean that sincerely) with five brothers, and from that comes a brood of nephews and nieces whom I totally love and adore.

My childhood was deeply influenced by the eastern plains of Colorado where my dad farmed/ranched and my mom worked as the postmaster of our tiny little town.  After High School graduation, I took off for the big city of Colorado Springs where I received my Associate’s Degree in Business Administration and began my career in church administration.  In 2002, I followed the call to pastoral ministry, completing my Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education with a minor in Bible & Theology at Nazarene Bible College.   I have continued my studies for my masters degree through Fuller Seminary in Colorado Springs and Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri.

I was ordained as a Deacon in the Church of the Nazarene in July 2011 on the Kansas District, and after completing additional courses of study I was ordained as an Elder in June 2019 on the Colorado District.  I served on staff as a children’s pastor for ten years before returning to the eastern plains of Colorado to pastor a small country church and I am loving it.

Up until this summer I taught music at our local school and enjoyed the interaction with the students and staff and sharing my passion and the gift of music with our students and community.  I love a variety of music genres, playing the piano as well as fiddling around with other instruments, crafting, reading, studying  God’s Word, joyful gatherings with family and friends, and countryside drives where I can unwind and and view the beauty of God’s creation.  Back roads are my favorite places to travel.

I’m glad you have stopped by and hope that the words coming from these pages will be an encouragement and blessing to you!

Peace and Grace,


Life through the eyes of a country girl